Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Blogs about Dogs!

Sit. Stay.

Good reader. Oh I spoke too soon, I told you not to pee on my new rug!

That's okay, you're just a puppy.

But seriously folks, this edition of random is all about "Canis lupus familiaris" aka dog. We humans decided to domesticate the gray wolf about 15,000 years ago to fill the void in our lives we so desperately needed.

They keep us company, protect us, eat our crumbs off the floor, pull our sleds, assist our disabled, and much more. I would like them to learn to do the following:

  • Ironing - I would first have to create an iron a dog could hold with a paw.
  • Personal Driver - He could just bark out the window if someone cuts him off.
  • Body Double - Let me know if this is possible.
  • Make sandwiches - No mustard or hair, or I take it back.
  • Martial Arts - Dog kung fu would be awesome and cute.
  • Speak English - He could tell the cat to fuck off.
 I thought to myself, as I do often, that if reincarnation is possible, I would want to come back as a pampered dog. I wouldn't have to worry about working, paying bills, laundry, etc. I could just eat, sleep, lick myself, go to the bathroom, and play with my squeaky toy.

Then I realized this could go wrong. I could come back as one of those tiny male lapdogs that get girly names and are made to wear tiny dresses and outfits. No wonder they are always shaking. The cat would sit in his corner mocking me and I'd have to tell him to fuck off.

Next I wondered what breed I might be and realized the ridiculous possibilities of cross breeds out there such as:

Bull dog + shih tzu = bull shit, dog shit

Poodle + shih tzu = poo shit, shit poo

Bichon + boxer = bitch box - sounds like a gaming system for that one special time of the month. Games are too violent and bloody for me.

Border terrier + Sheltie Crosser = Border Crosser - Not sure where they're from.
Now putting myself in the mindset of a dogs, I tried to understand why dogs do bad things and what they are thinking at the time.
My friend Stains here is politely begging for a sweet treat, but do they have to torture him with a plate full of cupcakes?

Then there is Toby, who has a butt itch he can't quite scratch. What does he do? This:

Which brings me to my next thing dogs do that I'll never quite understand, eating cat poo. Is it because it smells fishy? Did the cat talk up a lot of false bullshit about them hiding "treats" in their litter box? I could only imagine the texture of it being like warm cheesecake filling rolled in grape nuts, except it's rocks and poop stuck in your teeth.

These are only a few examples: Dogs tearing up pillows and stuffed animals to pulling all of the trash out of the trash can. Ripping apart a full roll of paper towel is also a dogs favorite way to get back at us as soon as we leave the house. The worst has to be a steaming pile of number 2 and even worse if it's runny and you step in it.

But even if you haven't discovered what it is your dog has done yet, there are some signs to tell how bad they have been. To do this, all you have to say is, " _______ what did you do?!

Level of Naughty:

Low - Dog will avoid looking directly at you and lay somewhere else.

Moderate - Dog will squint eyes and roll on their back in submission.

High - Dog will squint eyes, show a toothy smile, and beg for forgiveness.

Severe - Dog will run and hide in another room in their typical hiding place. They think they are clever, but we caught on a long time ago. I didn't say dogs were very good at hide and seek.

Now my mind has taken a ridiculous stop in the "what if" department. Well, what if dogs could walk on two legs and had nice office jobs? Could you imagine dogs dressed in business suits strolling through an office building filled with desks and cubicles? I also imagine they would say hi to each other, then stop to sniff each others butts, then continue to their desk with cup of coffee in their paw.I'm sure the person in charge of HR would be a cat, they are always witches.

This is probably a good stopping point. If I continued on from here, I'm pretty sure this post would skew into nothing more than psycho babble and we don't need any more of that.

However, we could always use a little more tiger blood and.........

See you next time.


  1. Just some weird random thoughts about dogs and cats:
    One of the ladies that works at Our Best Friend Doggie Daycare says that cat poop from a litter box is called "Almond Roca". Funny thing, the company that makes Almond Roca is in Tacoma.

    Now I found out that both my dog and my cat like the smell of Clorox. They both like to rub their heads on sheets or pillowcases that smell like Clorox. And just last night I watched my cat licking the stem and petals of a rose.
