Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Social Media Comedy

 Have you ever run into someone you haven't seen in a long time and forgot why you lost touch? If so, did you also forget their name? I bet there was a lot of awkward silence. Just hope you didn't do something in the past that was ridiculous.

Well that's how I feel right now, except that I know that it was my fault I haven't seen you in a while. (Insert the classic "It's not you, it's me" line.) However, overlooking the fact that I haven't posted in quite some time, I'd like to tell you that I have had quite a hoard of ideas accumulate. Which brings us to the topic of today's post: Social Media.

Over the last year, I'm sure you've all noticed the increasing popularity of media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. Let me just say that each of these have very poignant highs and lows. Lemme break it down.

 Facebook pros: 

  • Find old friends from school and hope they are not as successful as you.
  • Reconnect with family members (as long as your location is turned off)
  • Make your ex(es) jealous 
  • Keep up with friends' lives without having to call them and talk about their kids or "have coffee"

Facebook Cons:

  • Stalkers know exactly when you go to the gym and that you "like" twilight
  • Coworkers know when you are faking sick
  • Friends know you lied about your sick grandma after you cancelled your plans and "checked in" at the movie theater

 Twitter Pros:

  • Spreads news-breaking headlines lightning fast
  • Connect with people long distance
  • Occasional reply from people you admire

 Twitter Cons:

  • 99 percent of it consists of celebrities pretending to know each other and posting random thoughts of no quality
  • A whole lotta spam bots
  • Feed often gets jammed up by one person who decides to twitpic every item in sight within 5 minutes  

  Pinterest Pros:

  • Good place to go to slay boredom
  • Share funny pictures and recipes
  • Find out what your friends like or how secretly weird they are

Pinterest Cons:

  • Bad place to go if you have to get up early for work or if you are at work or have a life
  • Start browsing at breakfast and stop right before dinner

These were just a few of the examples of how much social media affects our lives in this age of ever evolving technology. The geek are truly inheriting the earth and we are the ones stuffing their pockets with money. Deserving of success and accolades? Yes. But to this degree, not sure. But if I were on the other side of the fence, would I say the same, I would like to know.

Inspired by the ever increasing popularity of internet memes thanks to our social media buddies, I will let Mr. Cruise take it from here with some one-liners. 

Again, thanks for coming back. I better get out of here before some small man of science starts to jump on my couch. 

See you next week you beautiful awesome people you. 

- Ian


  1. Awesome,thought provoking,eloquent and entertaining - as always!

  2. Allerjesus = amazing! Love it haha.
    Why is the best bloggers have the least followers?!

  3. Thanks Amelia for your kind comments!

    I'd love to have more followers, but it seems I'd have to discover a new Kardashian or something.

    - Ian
