Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Freedom to be me

Here's just a quick update, nothing extremely funny or entertaining. If that's what you were expecting then I'm sorry, I'll save something funny for the end. 

 So anyway, I enjoyed my 26th birthday this past Saturday by hanging out with the family and going to see the new Batman movie. I personally thought it was awesome and even my wife really liked it, even though she's not a big fan of superhero movies. Oh, I almost forgot the best part, the gifts! My grandma sent an Olive Garden gift card and my Aunt sent a Cold Stone gift card, they know me so well! Thanks to them both! 

There were also many cupcakes involved, so many cupcakes. Can you tell I love cupcakes? Who doesn't like cupcakes? I bet Hitler hated cupcakes. 

Which brings me to the subject of this post, just being me. I suppose not everyone is going to love or agree with everything I say, which is completely understandable. I even lost a follower after my last post. Maybe because I said I loved cheese? Maybe they were lactose intolerant? Who knows. 

I know I can't please everyone, but writing ridiculous things makes me happy and if I can make even one person laugh or crack a smile, then I am pleased. I didn't start blogging in hopes of becoming rich or famous because we all know the odds of being struck by lightning 3 times is higher. 

I am happy however to have met some funny, interesting, and talented bloggers who leave nice comments and inspire me to keep writing. I'm also grateful for my friends and family who support my ridiculous writings, even if they are just trivial observations. That's about it.

 Thanks to everyone who continue to read my blog, because it means you believe in the freedom of speech, expression, and most importantly, the ridiculous things in life. 

Something funny. (Saved it for the end)


  1. There are two kinds of people in this world: people who like cheese, and people who don't. Cheese haters are a sad bunch--you're better off without them.

    Happy belated birthday!

    1. Thank you Teri, I shall always keep that in mind. Thanks for the birthday wishes!

  2. I hate cheese haters. I have lost several followers since I started. Who knows why people do what they do.

    Looks like your birthday totally rocked! Happy belated birthday!

    1. Maybe they had higher expectations, but i have observed there are much more critics out there than people that do things to be critiqued.

      I had a great birthday, thanks!

  3. Also in the randomly-losing-followers camp, I can't even blame my offensive nature, because if people follow me I'm fairly sure they know what they're letting themselves in for. Happy birthday :)

  4. That's very true! Also thanks for the birthday mention!
